Sunday, February 22, 2009

Land of Lincoln: Dress Up

Ahh yes, ImmersiveEducationMatt Blaylock in a dress. My spiked hair adds a nice touch. Thank again Aaron.

Land of Lincoln: Dress Up

Land of Lincoln has a pretty cool feature in SL. It offers free wardrobes for its visitors so that they may be more in tune with Lincoln's era. Prof. Walsh showed us how to add the clothes to our inventory and put them on our avatar. Here I am in a tux.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Immersive Education

This is the interview between Aaron Walsh and Russ Castronova. Mr. Walsh talks about everything from the virtual reality "worlds" and video games to the new Web 2.0 and other "media infrastructures." On of the major things he talks about is the new way teachers can get through to their students from anywhere at anytime through the Web 2.0 and other virtual worlds, which in return helps the teacher by freeing up time as well as the students as they are more comfortable in virtual worlds. The 4s principal come into play with this new technology. The future of teaching seems to be in 3d technology based forums, like Second life and other commonly used virtual worlds as they are easier for both parties, the students and the teachers.


Bradburyvill looks like a fun place to visit. The ferris wheel has always been a favorite ride of mine at the carnival. The carousal as well. The big red tent reminded me of Barnum and Bailey; a famous traveling circus.

Land of Lincoln

Lincoln was a great president and defiantly deserves his own SL land. Here I am looking at a famous photo of President Lincoln outside the Lincoln Memorial. I believe this photo is hung somewhere inside the White House.